

TypeApp Header

All your Emails in One Place

Any Mail Provider

Gmail, Exchange Yahoo, Outlook/Hotmail, AOL, iCloud, Office 365 mail, Google Apps, Live, Yandex, ymail, iCloud,, GMX,, Hushmail, Zoho

Any Device

Download TypeApp for Android or iOS; phones, phablets or tablets

Support for IMAP, Exchange & POP3 automatic configurations to instantly add accounts

Multiple Accounts

Sync multiple accounts from all providers in a Unified Interface

Enhanced Features

Quiet Hours, Custom Sounds, Vibrate, LED Light, Snooze Alerts and other preferences per each of your accounts

Makes email convenient and easy where you have full visibility in the thread of emails

With automatic switch between day & night modes

Customize your menus with actions that really matter to you

Scrollable & Unread Widgets

Access your emails inbox at a glance from your home screen

Categorizes emails into clusters for known automated services, take bulk actions or mute notifications

Rich Text Signature

Easily configure text styles and add your signature logo per account

Icons_Android Wear

Email on your wrist and any other wearable devices


Usable Offline

With days to synchronize option - customized your offline needs

Mobile Printing

Easily print from your device, integrated with any supported printer

Getting Things Done

Quickly mark emails to be handled later and set reminders

When you finish handling an email, you can just mark it as done without having to delete it and reach Zero Inbox by using smart filters

Easily filter emails by unread / starred

Visually Appealing

Flat Design

Elegantly designed and inspired by the latest market trends

Your friends and contacts photos to help you process your incoming mail faster

Easily recognize popular services from their icons

Unread Count

On your App icon (for supported devices) or a 1x1 unread widget for any account including Unified Inbox!

Makes it all simple and visual

Private and Secured

Industry Leading Encryption

Your data is always encrypted to protect all your email communications using industry leading security

Lock Screen

You can set a timed lock screen to protect your privacy and email from wandering eyes